
Primary Research: Survey Responses

Responses to the survey sent out to collect both qualitative and quantitative research. The results are quite interesting. I devised yes and no answers so statistics could be collected. They were made mandatory and required and answer, the comment boxes were left then open for the audience to either skip or answer.

68.42% of 19 people answered yes, they did feel they knew what postmodernism is. When asked for a short explanation or answer the responses varied enormously. These results compared to the same question and answer methods used for 'Do you feel that you know what modernism is?' the majority answered yes with 68.42% the same statistic as the yes and no answers asked for postmodernism.


yes: 68.42% 13
no: 31.58% 6
Total Respondents: 19

If you answered 'yes' to the question above then please give your own definition of postmodernism in the box below.

Attempted controversy, breaking convention, derivative of modernism. Postmodernism is a lot messier, a lot more expressive.

Anything that came after modernism.

Opposite Modernism...chaotic, no structure or rules, rebellious, messy etc.

Movement in art & design, which broke the 'principles' which were defined by Modernism.

Post modernist art movement, early 20th century, David Carson's work, Andy Warhol.

the opposite to modernism - design that doesn't follow the rules and challenges structure and legibility

A reaction to modernism. Intended to break away and sometimes poke fun at the modernist rules and regulations of the past.

Postmodernism is was a style that went against modernism. It didn't take itself to seriously, it broke out of the rules created by modernism and was a lot more free in it's ideas and recycling other ideas.

The period in time which comes after modernism

There period in time after modernism.

I know some post modern designers. I do think that most 'isms' are just intellectuals needing to create a word to sell another book.

the opposing force of modernism that challenges what we've come to know as the norm either in physical or political terms. AKA 'alternative'

I believe that it is a text or medium that is self aware, often referencing or appropriating and traditional texts for the purpose of subversion. Irony, homage, pastiche and parody.

It's breaking away from Modernism and its conventions, more concerned with form as opposed to function.


yes: 68.42% 13
no: 31.58% 6
Total Respondents: 19

If you answered 'yes' or 'no' to the previous question, then please give a short explanation for your answer in the box below.

I believe there's a lot of people trying to attempt to recreate that 'postmodern' design style in contemporary design, and if you can class that as postmodernism, then yes. But I believe it is no longer a thing in contemporary design, it's passed it's time, design now is either controversial or not.

It came after modernism.

In contemporary design, people just think of post modernism being completely oppose to modernism. You get people breaking rules, experimental design that explore many boundaries. Unusual colours usage for example.

It's recognisably something that has an aspect of a shock or aesthetic value rather particularly functional.

Modern artists and designers take inspiration from past postmodern artists, so elements of postmodernism can be found in contemporary design.

I believe so, however off the top of my head I can't really think of an example.. Possibly if you think about conceptual artists like Tracey Emin - a lot of her work could be described as postmodernist as she challenges rules of art and how you think about her work.

Any design that doesn't just do things for purist reasons.

I think that it can be seen in the varying different styles of design around at the moment. Surely everything that isn't modernist has elements of post-modernist design?

Probably i don't know what it is.

Postmodernism in design is when people use collage and such like to make existing works into new works through appropriation

Postmodernism in design is when you add strange colors and textures, doing things that were not there purely for function

Post modernism exists in the minds of people who have to overthink life to make a living.

design in this era is contemporary and we are definitely in a postmodern era.

Again, I think it's noticeable in design when precious texts have been referenced or a text is 'ironic'.

There are links and influences from postmodernism, but that era has finished.

There is now a mix between modern form over function and tradition

If you answered 'yes' to the question above then please give your own definition as to what modernism is.


yes: 68.42% 13
no: 31.58% 6
Total Respondents: 19

Form follows function. Design which follows specific rules, for the purpose of helping the viewer.

Design that arose from technological advancement in the first 70 years of the 20th century.

Clean, Slick and Structural. OCD.

Movement in art & design, beginning from around the start of 20th Century. It's recognisable by it's form over function style aesthetic and principles.

Modernist art movement, late 19th - early 20th century. minimal, structured work.

Form follows function.

Modernism believes in design being functional and clean. Regimented and structured to create a universal style.

Modernism is a style of swiss design that uses clean shapes, layout and believes that form follows function.

The period in time before post modernism

Form follows function

Modernism is another ridiculous concept, made up by art dealers to sell things at a higher price.

minimalistic, form-follows functional design

Form follows function

Form follows function.


yes: 10.53% 2
no: 89.47% 17
Total Respondents: 19

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